Viral Discovery
Let i-Viral work out your viral campaign. We will research trending markets and strategically create a viral effect within the markets. We can scale the viral marketing on a local and/or Global scale.

Cross Device Marketing
If your looking for more traffic over all the popular devices i-Viral is your answer. We will implement your viral campaigns through desktops, laptops, iPads, tablets and smartphones.

Viral Blueprint
Once we find a market we will be able to work up a “Viral Blueprint.” We create a complete plan that will allow your business to be integrated with our marketing channels that create a viral effect.

Visual Heat Map
See how your campaigns are doing in real time through our exclusive heat map analytics. We will sort through the data and show you where, when and how your viral campaign is creating traffic.

Social Media Marketing
Through our social networks we can enable your campaigns to viral to hundreds of thousands of followers almost instantly. Watch your traffic sore through the roof from our social strategies.

Secure Integration
The methods we use are ethical and will not put your business’s reputation at risk. In most cases we will increase your business’s reputation through the campaign strategies we implement.